Sitemap - 2023 - Macrowise Newsletter

A Letter on Wealth and Wisdom from a Powerful Friend.

Forging the Future: Beyond Predictions to Building Strategic ARKs

Knowledge, Money, Principles, and Algorithms.

The Rebirth of the American Buffalo: Reflecting on Munger and Kissinger's Passing

Argentina: The Milei Opportunity in a Menem Echo

Latin America vs. Tech Stocks

Petro Politics Unleashed: The Geopolitical Chessboard of Oil

Unveiling the Resilience: Defying the Angel of Death in Corporate Volatility

Diversification Overstated: Unveiling the 400% Opportunity and the Strategic Asset Shift Each Decade

Demystifying Credit: Navigating Between Illusion and Genuine Transformation

Rule #2: The Duel Between Growth and Decay

Rule # 1: Learning to Lower the Frequency

The Evolution of Trust: From Gods to Bitcoin

Cold Wars and the Decline of Globalization

The Middle East Geopolitical Landscape: A Proxy War Unfolding?

🌐 US Treasury Crash: Decoding the Paradigm Shift in the Global Economy 📈

Cognitive Biases: Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy in the Financial World

Assembly Theory: decoding the language of life and markets.

The Tipping Point of the Euro: When Ignoring Pain Spells Peril

Echoes of Empires: An Evening in Tokyo

Oil's New Chessboard: Why Today's Crisis Isn't Your 1970s Showdown

The Purge of the Zombie Economy: Treasuries and the Euro's Looming Crisis

From Bonds to Bots: Navigating the New Financial and Manufacturing Landscape

OIL: is not the OPEC+ but China.

China: The Distraction, US Treasuries: The Signal, Japan: The Opportunity

From Globalization to the Rise of New Empires

Volatility: The Unsung Virtue of Economies

A New Cold War Emerges: Challenging the Larry Summers Stagflation Paradigm

China vs. Japan: Asian Powers in a Changing World

A New Oppenheimer Moment

Emerging Markets: The Wrath of Three Titans

The 40-year bull market in bonds appears to be over, while the equity bull market is still maturing.

From CHAT GPT to Deep Mind decoding the language of Life.

The Last Leg of a Very Strong Dollar

Demography, Social Networks and Energy

Rising from the Ashes: Resurgence of Cathie Wood's Funds?

Philosophies at Odds: Exploring Selection vs. Diversification with Warren Buffet and John Bogle

Putin's Russia: The Rhyme of the Soviet Era

Tipping Points in Territory: The Silent Revolution from Empires to City Constellations